ESXi – HP Tools, Smartarray, iLO um HP Server Stati unter vsphere zu monitoren


Installing Offline Bundles on an vSphere 6.0 Host Using vSphere CLI 6.0 esxcli Utility

You can use the esxcli utility in conjunction with offline bundles or with a depot. This topic describes
the procedure using offline bundles.

This bundle includes the following software versions:

  • hp-smx-provider 600.
  • char-hpcru
  • char-hpilo 600.
  • hp-ams 600.10.3.0-15.2494585
  • hp-esxi-fc-enablement 600.2.4.6-2494585

This is not intended for VMware ESXi 4.1.x and 5.x.

Before you can update or patch an vSphere 6.0 host from the command line, you must have access to a machine on which you can run the VMware vSphere Command-Line Interface 6.0(vSphere CLI). You can install the vSphere CLI on your Microsoft Windows or Linux system. For information about importing or installing the
vSphere CLI 6.0, see the VMware vSphere Command-Line Interface Installation and Reference Guide.


  1. Power off any virtual machines that are running on the host and place the host into maintenance mode.
  2. Transfer the offline bundle onto the ESXi host local path, or extract it onto an online depot.
  3. Install the bundle on the ESXi host.
    • Install remotely from client, with offline bundle contents on a online depot:
      esxcli -s <server> -u root -p mypassword software vib install -d <depotURL/bundle-index.xml>
    • Install remotely from client, with offline bundle on ESXi host:
      esxcli -s <server> -u root -p mypassword software vib install -d <ESXi local path><>
    • Install from ESXi host, with offline bundle on ESXi host:
         esxcli software vib install -d <ESXi local path><
      => » esxcli software vib install -d /»
  4. After the bundle is installed, reboot the ESXi host for the updates to take effect.
  5. (Optional) Verify that the vibs on the bundle are installed on your ESXi host.
    esxcli -s <server> -u root -p mypassword software vib list
  6. (Optional) Remove individual vibs. <vib name> can be identified by listing the vibs as shown in #5.
    esxcli -s <server> -u root -p mypassword software vib remove -n <vib name>

7. Januar 2016 3708 webadmin  General
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